Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Art Request Photos #1/Even More LBP3 Photos/Old HDD Photos from 2015-16

Hey, so I got some requests from Chuckleberry Hound, or Chef Sackboyardee. And I wanted to show you, Chuckleberry Hound, these art requests I've made. :)

Sonic the Hedgehog and Droopy Dog "taking" the subway. (Also, I was going to use minecarts for two of them, but I have a old version of Mine-imator, That doesn't have the minecart, So, I chose the DWS train.)

Thomas Creepers vs The Yoshi Sackboys, fighting over a rare berry!

EVEN MORE LBP3 PHOTOS! (I just got to number these soon..)

James with a odd face next to a Bikini Bottom citizen.
A ice skating rink? It's too rough to be one.. :| But it's still one anyways!
When two worlds collide...
Sackboy playing a experimental level. (Also wearing a fake eyepatch)
I need to stop, do I?
Sackboy: Who are you?
???: The Abominable Toggle!
Currently, this is how much I found that might interest you, Because some photos I made/found were bad, stupid, or inappropriate. also, Sorry for the Unikitty filler. :|

And now, Old HDD photos! These were from my old ACER laptop (I don't know what exact kind) which unfortunately died due to my neglect and impatience of updating. So, my mom recovered my old stuff, and I was very ecstatic! :) So, here are the previously lost files, from my dead laptop. Also, if I am lucky, I might be able to upload and share my 2013-2014 Windows 7 PC photos, But that PC is riddled with adware and bloatware, so salvaging may be troublesome.. :|

Anyways, Here they are! πŸ˜„


Off to a great start. Here is MS Paint joke art of Patrick. Is this the original TORTURE file? 😐
But, that's all I could show you, because my horrible internet connection is not loading the images instantly like usual. So, here is a story I made back then from my HDD.

"Excuse me, But aren't you being a little bit of a sea butt?
Sea butt! Who are you, a coral face?
Coral face? I am not a sea butt, a weedleg, a coral face, or a angry green dorito whatsoever!

Uh... A angry green dorito? Are you referring to Peridot from Steven Universe, or are you talking about a grumpy old green dorito chip lives in a grocery store.

I am not a angry green dorito who lives in a grocery store! Is the dorito sick?

No, He is not green because of sickness. Why? Because he accidently drank skin-pigmentation oil when he thought it was grape juice! Geez, He is not a very bright person like he says he is!

Wait. Why is the angry dorito angry?

Maybe because of one time when he was a kid, His homework was ate by a dog, (as you can tell by the bite mark on the paper,)
He remembered that if he didn't bring it in by the next day, He will be turned into a potato chip and stored. Thus, he got revenge on the teacher,
and was angry and never sent to school again....
Whoa. Why is he in a grocery store?

To be eaten and shipped to Vladmir Pootin by when ears grow on trees...
What? You expect me to believe this unusual nonsense all because of some stupid old green potato chip who lives in a grocery store?
What's next? A naked DVD player in a abandoned Blockbuster Store?! You just won't let me watch Zootopia, The Secret Life of Pets, Emoji Movie, Wreck It Ralph 2, and The Spongebob Movie: Back in the Sea!

Uhh.. What is Spongebob Back in the Sea? Is that a weird knockoff version of TSMSOOW made by Spark Plug Entertainment and Video Briquendo, or is that the possible title for the third sequel to The Spongebob SquarePants movie?"

Anyways, That's all I have for today.

Monday, April 23, 2018

B E A U T I F U L V I E W S . . / Misc Minecraft Screenshots

B E A U T I F U L  V I E W S . . .



A orange house.

Henri-Bourassa Minecraft station. (R.I.P, Died to world corruption)

Inside of a N64 in the 2014 world.

Screenshot #2 of the 2014 world.

Capital Park sign

A experience point upscale.

DreamWorld Map.

"Through the water and straight to the Armand Island."

Odd room where the Dora kaBoom VHS is stored. Unfortunately, I don't have the 2014-15 Dream Schedule book, So no description. :|

Mini version of DreamWorld.

A Polybius arcade cabinet.

Monday, April 9, 2018

LBP3 screenshots 2/some of the TORTURE files

Me messing with Night of the Living Emmet with Mod Menu


So, I was wanting to do a sequel of this, adding more unseen photos that I made. Welp, It actually happened. So, here it is. LBP3 Screenshots 2!

Lonely car.. :(
Sackboy utterly confused while he starts to unknowingly tweak out.

Cardboard Town! Complete with japanese King Kongs wearing buckets on their heads!
Dr. Fox doing the sponge.
Oooh.. spoopy..
The sacred whistle of POWER!!!
Hawkodile and Eagleater.

"When I grow up, I want to be a fist!"

"Saving an Dog from Devourment". I made this in 2016, and made the original version back in 2014. Now you know!
A remake of Shenanistorm's "Hawkeye" artwork. Cool, I guess?
Look at dat shiny B U T T!! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
A LBP3 demo dream I salvaged out of an chest underneath my workspace on a piece of paper!
Hawkodile and Richard doing the Game Boy Dance!
I was messing around with the animation tweaker, and this somehow happened.
aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the cringe !!!! :( :( :( ):( I have no idea how people get attracted to this.. :|
Hey, Mr. D.J!
The Mario Desert Dance. Try posting him on TWITTER.

I, am ze police. U r unda a rest! go to sleep my little child! for DE LAW.

"Does it look like I give a crap? I'm outside! If y'all inside, Y'all not normal! Like me!"


So, if you didn't know, We lost internet for 2 or 1 month, so the only way to pass time was to watch Nichijou, play some LBP2 and 3, and most importantly, doodle. The first image I drew was a Kirby screaming angrily at you, and then some other stuff. I remember one of them being an BND mask smirking. It was until March 23rd that we got our internet back, and I was wanting to share the TORTURE files to you, the reader, so you have a little taste of what it's like with no internet. Thanks and enjoy.

So, here is a story about this. So, my mom. She's great, she's awesome. I like her. But one time, We were watching the Magic School Bus DVD from about 2004-05, and when we were watching the intro, (or the other DVD previews bumper I dunno), Mom thought that the singer said, "Sufferin' on a sandwich!" and also, "Remote Lizard!" Then we had a good laugh about it, and made this after. :)
A angry human face.
🎝Animani-maniacs! They fly into a portal! And die. The end.🎝
If there is Bananas in Pajamas, What if.. there was a Bananas in no Pajamas?
Homer and BLORT watching the Carrington Productions International logo. I wonder what they are going to do next? Watch the Viacom Pinball logo?
Homer: Why are you looking at the night sky, Marge?
Marge: It's because... It's an CPB logo! Make a wish!
Homer: I wish for.. more donuts!
Here is a classic. Homer witnessing a sun death. Ouch!
Homer: Aah! Bart!
...Get it?
And that's about all I could show you now, because I gotta start work on Running in the Lunasphere. A job like this can't be rushed!