Monday, April 9, 2018

Art Requests info!


If you have a idea that you want me to make into art, You are in the right place! Art requests! Rules:
  1. Be nice. Don't threaten or bully me into making art for you.
  2. Be reasonable.
  3. Has to be appropriate. No porn or s3x stuff..
  4. and finally, It has to be either one of 3 styles. 1 is TORTURE File style, 2 is made in LBP3, and 3 is normal. Also, it has to have my characters and other characters. (It is merely optional to have BLORT in it too.. :))
It can be in the comments section!


  1. The Sampsons watching CPI and CPB are definitely my favorites!

  2. These are great guidelines. Can you do any blendings of Minecraft worlds, Hanna Barbera, and Sega characters? Maybe something like Sonic the Hedgehog and Droopy Dog take the subway together in a Minecraft tunnel? You should definitely check out soundbites from Droopy Dog. Hilarious.
